Don’t You Worry.

I’m alive.

Sorry for the subpar blogging as of late, but for the rest of the week,

I’m here:

our condo in North Myrtle Beach, SC

with this girl:

Bethany June (minus the irish princess sash)

doing the following:

drinking vino.

chasing seagulls.

eating lotsa seafood.

probably ice cream, too.

rolling around in the sand.

laughing a whole lot.

Don’t be too jealous of my rockin’ bathing suit choices as a tot.
I know, I’ve always had killer style.

And a serious thing for ruffles.

37 responses to “Don’t You Worry.

  1. So.Cute!!! I’m sure you’re having a blast, although I do miss you in the blog world!!! I think I’ll survive though šŸ˜‰

  2. You were a cute little nugget!! Have a blast girl!!

  3. haha omg so cute šŸ™‚ love this hun! have a fabulous time! xo

  4. aww looks like your having tons of fun!:)

  5. Enjoy! I’ve never been to Myrtle Beach but my husband lived near there for a few years.

  6. I am so totally jealous of all your fabulous weekend get-a-ways! Wish I could be a part of this one, too! Have SO MUCH FUN at the beach!

  7. I am super jealous!!! Enjoy =)

  8. Thats a perfectly legit excuse for not blogging haha šŸ™‚ I hope your having so much, by the look and sounds of it you are!

    Have a glass of vino for me and enjoy soaking up the sun ! and sand by the looks of it šŸ˜‰

  9. I’m come down to VA and you leave. How depressing. I hope you have in SC! šŸ™‚

  10. Haha sooo cute. Have a blast, love!

  11. BAHAHAH love it!! have fun, running date when you get back since i can’t seem to manage distance without you!

  12. Seafood, (lots of) vino, sand, friends, and sun. What more could you possibly need?!?! HAVE FUN!

  13. HAHA loving the bathingsuit – ballerrr

    Have so so much fun love!

  14. movesnmunchies


  15. Have some fun in the sand for me!

  16. okay, my favorite picture is the rolling around in the sand. you crack me up! have fun!

  17. Have fun pretty girl šŸ˜€

  18. that looks beautiful! I wanna vacay. Enjoy your time there šŸ™‚

  19. Glad you’re having a blast! I wish I could join you!!!

  20. So very jealous! have a good time šŸ™‚ Next time invite a fellow alyssa.

  21. Rach @ This Italian Family

    Oh my goodness, you were as adorable as a little girl as you are gorgeous now! Hope you are enjoying every minute, girl!

  22. I am jealous!!! I bet you are having so much fun…the beach is the best place to be in the world!!!

  23. Have fun! I loved my swimsuits as a child because I had a sweet Little Mermaid one.

  24. Ruffles are baller. whatevs =)

    Have funnnnnnnnnnnn! take me with you next time! haha

  25. So jealous! It’s been rainy and still kind of cold here, it feels like beach weather is so far away.

    Hope you’re having fun though! Sounds like a blast!

  26. like i said… jealous!!! šŸ™‚

    girl you better get to cookin’ with your quinoa, you’re the only reason i bought MINE! lol! i forgot to tell you, but i had no idea it was pronounced keen-wah either… and it’s still hard for me to say it that way.

  27. I’m extremely jealous! Have a ton of fun :)))

  28. Looks like an awesome getaway. I’d be happy with some beach paradise and a tub of ben and jerrys. šŸ™‚

  29. Hello my name is jealous–hope you’re having an amazing time!!

  30. ahaha I definitely had some cute lil bathing suites when I was a kid too:) I love little kid bathing suits! and eating ice cream + seafood and playing in the sand is my ideal day; love it!

  31. I love that you had a beachy easter, mainly because I’m jealous and miss the beach (and you) wayyy too much for words. But you have no idea the number of times I’ve clicked on the bookmark to your blog (yeah you’re bookmarked) waiting for an update. I want an update. I want to know how tan and great you look and how full of Easter candy and ice cream you are. And overall how great your doing, and most importantly when you’re coming back to DC

  32. ahhhhh paste my face in all those pics. BLISS is right for you

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