Daily Archives: March 25, 2011

A Serious Breakthrough

I had an amazing, fantastic, spectacular running breakthrough yesterday.

I’ll set the scene:

It was my first day doing anything cardiovascular since the Half Marathon on Sunday.
It was the first time I put on any close-toed shoes (my toesies were feelin’ fresh.. finally).

It wasn’t the first time I’ve gotten totally pumped for my post-work workout and forgotten a sports bra.

Womp, womp.

Allison even gave me a nice, guiltless “out” from hitting the gym altogether.

Love her!

But my boday was telling me it needed a nice sweat session. I had to do something. So I sucked it up, I put on my running clothes, and I sauntered into the gym feeling like “that girl.”

Ya know, the one with the pajama pants and hoodie. Or that one with the velour sweatpants.

Can I just strap a sign on my back saying, “Forgot real gym clothes. I swear I know I’m not supposed to exercise in this.”

Since no treadmills were open anyway, I snagged an arc trainer and bopped around on it for 10 minutes. Then… the machine reset.

I had no choice but to snag the (now) open treadmill.

I ran four miles, and it was one of the best feelings I’ve had in a long time.

No, I didn’t run a long distance. No, I didn’t run it fast. No, I didn’t have a magazine or a T.V. in front of me. Yes, my muscles were still sore from the half marathon, and yes, I needed a sports bra.

Somehow, none of it mattered. I used to obsess over my runs. If my playlist wasn’t perfect, it wasn’t going to be okay. If my left shoe wasn’t tight enough, it would run my run. If I ate the wrong thing, I’d totally have to stop. None of this bothers me anymore. The old me would have said there was no. way. I’d run without all my real gym clothes.

At the risk of sounding cliche, I was just running. And I had this overwhelming happiness I don’t think I’ve ever really felt.

I love running.

I love the way it makes me feel, I love the good things it does for my body, and I love putting myself under pressure to see what it can do.

Because I’ve been working toward a goal for so long with my running, I don’t think I’ve had the chance to realize how much I just love the feeling of running.

And it is this that brings me to my conclusion that I will most definitely be running my first full marathon in the Shamrock Marathon 2012.

I want to do one before I die, and what better time than now? I’ve done three half marathons. I need a new goal. And I’d love to return to the Shamrock knowing I already “rocked” half of what I’m about to do.

And the best part? Anastasia’s onboard, too. 😉

thank you for being a crazy person with me.

Don’t be afraid to call me crazy. I used to think everyone I know who said they “love” running were crazy, too. 😉